Soil Conditioner for Container Plants and Potting Media
Potting mixes generally contain coarse particles of perlite or bark for the purpose of aeration and drainage. However these materials decompose over time causing a settling and compaction of the media. Stalite PermaTill is strong, durable, and low in absorption to insure capillary action of water and air movement through the media. The particles act as reservoirs for water-soluble nutrients. The pH of Stalite PermaTill is stable and will not alter the pH of other media components. The addition of Stalite PermaTill as a 1”-2” soil cover in not only aesthetic, but eliminates soil splash and discourages fungus gnats from laying eggs on the soil surface. It will also discourage squirrels from digging in your containers.
Orchid Media
Pine Ridge Orchids, Homestead FL
Many varieties establish and grow beautifully in 100% Stalite. It does not break down and compact like typical organic potting media. It maintains proper aeration and drainage. The tiny cells in the particles act as reservoirs for air, water soluble nutrients. The particles are 6% moisture retentive.
Blending Instructions
Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens, Belmont NC
For Seasonal flowers, herbs and vegetables:
Blend 30% Stalite PermaTill with potting media
For succulents and moisture sensitive plants:
Blend 50% Stalite PermaTill with 25% coarse sand
and 25% potting media
For seasonal bulbs:
Plant in 100% Stalite PermaTill. Roots anchor into
the attractive slate blue particles.